Thursday, December 24, 2009

Welcome back...

Oops for not writing for so long!

I don't know why, but I stopped doing my weekly documentary viewing and reflection. I really enjoyed the films I was watching, but for some reason or another, stopped. Maybe I'll find the time to start up again.

The semester is over! I don't know what words I can used to describe my feelings. I'm not relieved, because I wasn't overwhelmed with work. I'm actually a little bit upset to have this semester over because I am not looking forward to some of the classes I have to take next semester. First off, I am taking 6 classes instead of the usual 5 classes. Second, I am taking the 2nd sections of 2D design, 3D design and drawing. Not really looking forward to those classes because they sometimes make me so frustrated. After doing so much design on the computer, where mistakes are easily erased, it is frustrating to do work by hand, and then have to go through a lot more to fix an error, which sometimes doesn't even work. Also, there is just no where in my house to do such work! I need a studio space. I've been working in the basement on a fold up card table and sitting in a plush computer chair, which is not really ideal. I don't mean to be complaining, but that's the case.

Good news though is that it's Christmas Eve! Tomorrow I am expecting some very nice presents, including a brand new Macbook Pro! This current laptop that I am typing on is failing, the mouse gets stuck a lot and it is just a mess. So I am very excited for what tomorrow will bring!